Using Artspan's Website Design Tools

Using Artspan's Website Design Tools

Website Design 101

Using Artspan's Website Design Tools



Are you just starting out?  Ready for a makeover?


Here are simple steps that can take your website from Bland to Bold, from Amateur to Professional

and from Ho-Hum to Oh Wow! in no time at all.





The first step is to click on Design in your Control Panel.  Once that opens, click on Customize this theme.



For this example we are using the Costanza Theme








For this theme, your first section is Color


Color selection is available for every part of your website. By clicking on the arrow to the right of each website item, you can select or create your desired color.

















Next is Fonts


Fonts selecction is available for every part of your website as well.

Use the drop down to select your font, use the slider to make larger or smaller.

You can also click on icons to make Bold, Italicized etc.















Background, Header and Logo Images

You can easily upload a logo or use your artwork to create an attractive header

or background.    Select and upload from your computer an image/logo to appear in your header. 






You can see the change right away, but don't worry, unless you click on save, it will not

change your actual website header until you click on save. 


You can  be creative and try some new looks!














Layout Options & Gallery Display


You can change your page layout with a click of a button.

Your Gallery Display options are just as easy. Try them out and see which look suites your design needs.

Your options for how your headers and navigation items are shown on your website can be selected in Layout Options.

























For more helpful website design tips, our Artspan Workshop Series, Designing A Buyer Friendly Website, is always available.




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